At 7:39AM, I began our delivery day! I checked into the hospital, got my gown on and we got the show on the road. The nurse hooked me up to all of the devices, got my IV started and around 9AM, we started the Pitocin and a little while later, the doctor broke my water. My IPs were on their way from Austin and we had plenty of time for them to arrive as I was only dilated to 2cms and 50% effaced. Baby was high up and wasn't in a hurry to go anywhere. Around 12, I started to get some strong contractions. My IPs were due to arrive at any moment so my nurse, Cathy, asked if I wanted to go ahead and slip my epidural in before they arrived. I didn't want to be uncomfortable while they were there as I like to chat and visit through my labors, so I quickly agreed. Dr. Miller, my OB, slipped in right before the anesthesiologist arrived and gave me a quick check. 2cms, 50% effaced. Boo! I wasn't too surprised as it usually takes me a little while to get to 5 or 6 but to make no progress was a little anticlimatic. The anesthesiologist gave me that wonderful epidural and then stuck around for a few minutes joking around with me saying things like, "Whew! You're my second patient ever!" and "Okay Cathy, you can close the instruction manual now, I'm done looking at the pictures." :) I love a doctor with a good sense of humor! Ahhh, sweet, sweet epidural and I was in heaven. I visited with my IM a bit, napped and rested the next few hours. Around 3, they checked me again and I was at a 4, 50% effaced and minus 2 position. Yay! Progress, but at that rate, I was gonna be at it all day. I knew I could do a little better. They checked me at 5 o'clock and I was at a 5. The nurse flipped me over to my left side and waited it out. 45 mins later, I was at a 9. Cathy looked at me and I said, "And THAT'S how it's done!" We all had a good laugh at that and as those of you that have been in a delivery room know, things move quickly after that. E told J to get the camera as we were going to be seeing their baby soon!! My husband had the privelege of delivering our last two babies. I had asked our doc if E could do that too and she agreed! E thought and thought about it and she was so courageous and decided to take on the challenge! They found her an extra small outfit and got her suited up! J was on the couch and I think he was a little blown away by how quickly it was going. He went to the bathroom and came out to a transformed room with lights, half the bed moved off and everyone in "go" position! My best friend, J, was there with me and I've been trying to get her to stay for a delivery 3 times now! She decided to stay for this one and E&J were so nice to allow that. They put the oxygen mask on me and it was time to push. Dr. Miller told E to reach down and feel her baby's head. That moment...that glorious moment of seeing her make that first connection was phenomenal. She laughed and cried and swooned over making that connection! 4 pushes later, E held a perfect baby girl in her arms after guiding her into this world. That moment is unlike any other I've ever experienced. Seeing a mother bring her baby into this world is indescribable. Baby L was perfect with sweet cheeks, perfectly puckered lips and long fingers and toes! She headed over to the warmer with mommy and daddy and a family was made. I can't count how many times E&J said thank you that day, but I was the one that felt so thankful to have experienced this. Baby L is such a blessing to so many already. She weighed in at 8 lbs,, 2 oz. (a personal record for my uterus!) and 19.75 inches long. She was born at 6:08PM (See, I'm all business after I reach 5cms). I thank y'all for sharing this journey with us. I hope that it helps guide someone through surrogacy the way other blogs have helped me. It's been so great getting to know some of you through this as well!!
This is the end of our surrogacy pregnancy but just the beginning of our surrogacy journey. October 20th will always be a fun day of memories for me!
Here is a little photo journey of the day for your viewing pleasure!
Arriving at the labor & delivery room!
Last Belly Shot in my oh so fashionable hospital gown!
Sugar-free popsicle, no food allowed after midnight the night before!
Mmmm, ice chips. I'd have a baby all over again just for someone to bring me non-stop ice chips
Trying to get a picture of the contractions but it's blurry
Still smiling even though I'm contracting!
I love to watch "A Baby Story" while laboring!
A beautiful arrangement from fellow blogger and IM to be, A!!! :)
I finally get my rainbow popsicle that I love (even if it's not Blue Bell)
This is what your friends bring you when you are a surrogate!!!
Moist Banana Bread
6 months ago